Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Self

Now, this post will not be as ridiculously transparent, Eat Pray Love-y as the tired title suggests. I'm merely trying to determine how my personal style should come into play into my daily life. As someone who shops as a means of feigning off boredom, delaying hangover pain, and rewarding myself for even earning a paycheck, my closet is a bit of a tranny-mess. Recent purchases include a full-length brown trench coat (reminiscent of Nancy Drew if she weren't such a prude), a faux fox fur vest, and bright purple leggings. Sigh. How to make all these gorgeous pieces work together instead of making me look as though I've hired Ray Charles as a stylist? Therein lies the answer my newly-created blog; I will outline how I want to look and, in turn, utilize the clothes I've already bought to achieve looking not-ridiculous.
Additionally, my ass has officially grown two full dress sizes larger. Naturally, this recent development was helped along by my continually watching South Park online, as well as smoking too much pot and eating bags upon bags of Tahoe cookies with my insanely cool roommate. As a result, I've sworn off actual shopping as to avoid the emotional havoc it will wreak upon my self-confidence.
Lastly, here comes My Official List of How I Want To Look From Now On:

- I like whites, blacks, browns, dark blues, grays, et cetera. Otherwise known as "Minimalism", I want clothes that are simple but in great shape. I like dark cardigans paired with light, cotton V-necks. Gap is good for these clothes, in addition to being affordable.

- I like fur vests and jackets. I like them paired with plaid for an eclectic look--but, with the other minimalistic pieces, I think this is doable. I'll be certain to wear this with hair up "messy" and plain accessories.

- This leads me to my next item: Menswear plaid. Amazing! I have my favorite Moschino Supply Co. red & blue piece ($6) from a local thrift store. I think these are the next few pieces I may invest in, in that they're cheap and versatile.

- As far as shoes are concerned, since I'm going for tailored, I think simple black flats, as well as other simple colors will work well. Maybe the occasional boot? Uncertain, I'll have to see how the weather is working.

- Accessories are the thing I'm least concerned about, being that I've stopped wearing a lot of them anyhow. Back in my boho phase, I wore a lot of big, silver earrings and Indian-esque bangles. I have four silver rings I always wear and two silver studs I never take out of my left ear. That's it. Just today, I bought The Most Gorgeous diamond-faced watch today. The diamond part is darker amber and the band is black. In a word, it's fabulous. Anyway, I've resolved to wear that each day in that a) people who wear watches appear "professional", b) arrive in a timely-fashion (ha, watch-pun) and c) it's Gorgeous, as aforementioned.

So far, we have white & black basics (tees, cardigans, leggings), fur vests, menswear plaid, black flats, & diamond watch.

Speaking in terms of trends, I'm seeing the revival of black lace, and I'm okay with this material in VERY limited quantities. Ever seen someone who jumps at the latest & greatest? I'm done with the over-users. I'm attempting Timeless, which proves a challenge because I am someone who reads the magazine rubbish, even though there really is no reason.

Okay! So now that I've got what I want planned out, let's plan what I'm done with:

- Ghetto blasters, a.k.a neon-striped, ankle-strappin' sneakers. While I have the most outrageous pair of Adidas kicks ever created, I will do my best not to break them out. They're too Fresh Prince for 2011, making me feel like a high school Junior instead of a 20-year old "Professional". What's more, I have a sweeeeeet pair of white leather + purple trim Reebok high-tops. Once again, I'll put them to bed for a few months.

- Graphic tee-shirts. Not that I was ever that into them, I think this look is beyond worn out. They hug the beer-belly and often sport pit-stains and other atrocities. For real.

- Jeans. I have some worn-out, "comfortable" lesbian-esque jeans that I really don't look cute in. They hug my inner thighs, not my hips or my cute little butt. Not to mention, the washes are absurd--far too light. Once I get down to my Real Size (2), I will buy a few pairs of dark/black jeans because those are still dapper. They too will be skinny/fitted.

- Sweatshirts. Maybe they're cool post-sex, laying in my bed, freezing to death because my neighbors Do Not Know how to control the heat properly but wearing them out in public, as well as sweatpants, is unacceptable, I end up feeling like a lazy piece of crap. Honestly. Wearing that stuff means you were too lazy to get dressed. People would look better waltzing around ass-naked. Fact.

- Headbands and headwear. These were fun when I had 13 extra inches of wavy, hippie-bold locks flowing down my back. However, since chopping them off about a month ago, I've found they don't mesh well with my newfound Mia Wallace look.

Overall, I feel pretty good at planning this out. I have most of what I need, I just need to stop eating so much & hit the gym. I have one week-- done!

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